The 2 Most Common Mistakes

Mistake #1: Too Many Braced Wall Lines

Remember the two components of wall bracing: Braced Wall Lines (BWL) and Braced Wall Panels (BWP). As far as BWPs go, more is better. But when it comes to BWLs, you want as few as possible.

Take this building for example. The construction plans are identical. The only difference is how the BWLs (in bright green) are laid out. A simple BWL layout meets code and a complex layout does not.

Simple Layout

Meets Codes 👍

Simple BWL Layout

Complex Layout

Fails Code 🚫

Complex BWL Layout

Mistake #2: Opening Height is Blank

For many bracing methods, the height of the nearest door, window, or header matters a great deal. Higher openings call for longer panels, it's all about aspect ratio. If you don't specify the opening height then the calculator assumes the worst, and the panel might be considered invalid!

Opening Unspecified